May 15, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
3:30-7 LIVNG ROOM NYT In Kentucky Hills, A Homeland Security Bonanza
3:37-45 Cheny Pushed US to Widen Eavesdropping
3:45-48 Avian Flu Wanes in Asian Nations it First Hit Hard
6:32-8 HOME OFFICE NYT Tracing Lung Ailments That Rose with 9/11 Dust
6:38-41 Bush to Unveil Plan to Tighten Border Controls
6:41 DNA Evidence in Duke Case Inconclusive
6:41-45 At Sentencing in ’82 Murder, Confrontation and Anguish
6:49-51 Critic of No Child Left Behind Was Disinvited From Meeting
6:54-5 Baby Badly Hurt by Shaking, Prosecutor Says
6:57-8 Legal Saga Ends for Man Who Hired Wife’s Killer
6:59 A Night Out with Max Minghella
7 Vows Renee Bailey and Leathem Mehaffey
7:07 Everybody into the Pool
7:15 Fossil Called Missing Link From Sea to Land Animals
7:16-18 An Ambitious Lexus Takes on the Europeans
7:20 Dude, Here’s My Book
8:01-2 4 Harlem Boys Will be Tried as Juveniles
8:04 Jazz Lover Fiddling with Bass Causes Bomb Scare on East Side
8:06 Warhols of Tomorrow are Dealer’s Quary Today
8:07 Teaching English, One Booklet at a Time
8:09 Gobbling Away Far From the Spotlinght
8:29 Software Out There: Programming A Revolution Piecemeal
8:48-50 In Case of Disaster, Have a Backup Plan for your Computer
3:30-7 LIVNG ROOM NYT In Kentucky Hills, A Homeland Security Bonanza
3:37-45 Cheny Pushed US to Widen Eavesdropping
3:45-48 Avian Flu Wanes in Asian Nations it First Hit Hard
6:32-8 HOME OFFICE NYT Tracing Lung Ailments That Rose with 9/11 Dust
6:38-41 Bush to Unveil Plan to Tighten Border Controls
6:41 DNA Evidence in Duke Case Inconclusive
6:41-45 At Sentencing in ’82 Murder, Confrontation and Anguish
6:49-51 Critic of No Child Left Behind Was Disinvited From Meeting
6:54-5 Baby Badly Hurt by Shaking, Prosecutor Says
6:57-8 Legal Saga Ends for Man Who Hired Wife’s Killer
6:59 A Night Out with Max Minghella
7 Vows Renee Bailey and Leathem Mehaffey
7:07 Everybody into the Pool
7:15 Fossil Called Missing Link From Sea to Land Animals
7:16-18 An Ambitious Lexus Takes on the Europeans
7:20 Dude, Here’s My Book
8:01-2 4 Harlem Boys Will be Tried as Juveniles
8:04 Jazz Lover Fiddling with Bass Causes Bomb Scare on East Side
8:06 Warhols of Tomorrow are Dealer’s Quary Today
8:07 Teaching English, One Booklet at a Time
8:09 Gobbling Away Far From the Spotlinght
8:29 Software Out There: Programming A Revolution Piecemeal
8:48-50 In Case of Disaster, Have a Backup Plan for your Computer
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