Saturday, August 26, 2006

June 30, 2006

Friday, June 30, 2006

10:20-9 DINING ROOM TABLE NYT Justices, 5-3, Broadly Reject Bush Plan to Try Detainees
10:29-30 A Victory of the Rule of Law
10:35-6 VA Laptop is Recovered, its Data Intact
10:36-9 Stunned Campus Mourns its Chief, an Apparent Suicide
10:39 Boy Dies After Ride at Disney World
10:40-3 Court’s Ruling is Likely to Force Negotians Over Presidential Power
10:59-11:01 For a Spot of Tea TheyOffered Ballons on a Cloudy Day
11:04-5 Steppoing Off a Plane, Man is Arrested in ’01 Queens Murder
11:06 On a Shaky Day Agassi Shows Steadiness
11:11-16 Sadistic, Manipulative and so Very Stylish The Devis Wears Prada
11:20-1 Here’s Your Mirrored Ball, What’s Your Hurry?Madonna MSG
11:23-5 A Motley Crew of Spirits Recruit a Boy to be Savior The Great Yokai War
11:27 Boredoms “as artwork, architecture, and principally for activiation” 77 DRUM
11:28 Two Spurned Architects Bite the Hand that Didn’t Feed Them


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