Thursday, February 23, 2006

February 22, 2006

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

3:45-49 Starwich Café Adam Phillips, The Art of Escape 3 pages
10:30 Dining Room Table NY Times “Where There’s Poetry on the Plate”

February 21, 2006

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

8:01-3 PATH TRAIN NY Times “Ice Dancers End 30-Year Medal Drought For U.S.”
8:10-14 “Austria Turns U.S. Ski Team’s Motto into its Rallying Cry.”
8:14-18 “Cohen Cultivates Sublime Status: Quiet Contender.”

12:38- 40 NJCU FACULTY DINING ROOM NY Times “Atypical Collectors With Art to Share”
12:40-44 “Pleasantly Stunned, a Star Children’s Author Hits the Tour Trail Again”
12:47-52 “To: Subject: Why It’s All About Me”
12:55-1:01 “U.S. Reclassifies Many Documents in Secret Review.”
1:08 “Skipping Breakfaaast can Affect your mood and energy levels during the day”
1:09 “Breast Feeding, to Keep Infant Infections at Bay”
1:10 “ Richer or Pooer, Helath and Wealth are Linked”
1:12 Evidence is Slight for Melatonin as Sleeping Aid”
1:12 “Red Grapefruit Earns a Star on Cholesterol Diet”

1:17 NJCU OFFICE 2 emails

February 20, 2006

Monday, February 20, 2006

12:32 HOME OFFICE 6 emails
12:36- 55 Sebald Austerlitz 17 pages
10:20-45 Dave Eggers A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius 28 pages
10:45-51 “A directory of wonderful things”
10:52-11:07 Eggers 16 pages

February 19, 2006

Sunday, February 19, 2006

10:07-13 HOME OFFICE New Media and the Old: The Limits of Continuity, Geniwate, Review of Manovich The Language of New Media
10:53-11:41 HOME OFFICE + LIVING ROOM COUCH Nyer Malcolm Gladwell “Million Dollary Murphy”

10:11-34 HOME OFFICE Sebald Austerlitz 12 pages
10:45-56 images Michael Raedecker
11:53-12:02 Austerlitz 4 pages

February 18, 2006

Saturday, February 18, 2006

8:01 HOME OFFICE NY Times “Stepping into a cab and back in time”
8:02-4 “Rats in a Maze Take a Moment to Remember, but in Reverse.”
8:07-8 “Costume Shop Boy Makes Good”
8:08 “How Much is that a Square Foot” (Craigslist charges $10 per real estate listing)
8:24-15 “Your Taxes. A Hobby that Yields a Harvest”
8:15-18 “It Doesn’t Pay to be in the AMT Zone”
8:20-1 “Mutual Funds Seem Simple, Until It’s Time to Sell.”
8:22-4 “The Software You Buy, vs the Free Stuff.

9:52-4 COUCH “The Pleasure is Mine” Rev of Hustvedt A Plea For Eros
10:27-30 NYTimes Mag Freakonomics: How Many Lives Did Dale Earnhardt Save?”

February 17, 2006

Friday, February 17, 2006

1:32 LIVING ROOM “Farewell, Condo Cash-Outs”
1:36 HOME OFFICE 5 emails