May 21, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
2:06 SUBWAY NYT Mag The Architect, His Client, Her Husband and a House Named Turbulence
8:34- 38 HOME OFFICE NYT Where Jane Goes Without Tarzan
10:06-8 Rage is Afoot in New York, Or Should Be
10:09-11 A Hit and Run Accident Kills Two Children in New Jersey
10:12-14 No Sign Yet of Hoffa’s BodyBut FBI Cites Credible Tip
10:19 Sentate Passes a Bill that Favors English
10:31 And if It’s a Boy, will it Be Lleh?
10:34 Colleges Chase as Cheats Shift to High Tech
10:38 WSJ A New Tax Trick for your IRA
10:42-3 Their Income Up, US Rich Yield A Tax Windfall
10:43 O, Give Me A Home Where Prairie Dogs Roam, in Boulder
2:06 SUBWAY NYT Mag The Architect, His Client, Her Husband and a House Named Turbulence
8:34- 38 HOME OFFICE NYT Where Jane Goes Without Tarzan
10:06-8 Rage is Afoot in New York, Or Should Be
10:09-11 A Hit and Run Accident Kills Two Children in New Jersey
10:12-14 No Sign Yet of Hoffa’s BodyBut FBI Cites Credible Tip
10:19 Sentate Passes a Bill that Favors English
10:31 And if It’s a Boy, will it Be Lleh?
10:34 Colleges Chase as Cheats Shift to High Tech
10:38 WSJ A New Tax Trick for your IRA
10:42-3 Their Income Up, US Rich Yield A Tax Windfall
10:43 O, Give Me A Home Where Prairie Dogs Roam, in Boulder