Monday, May 22, 2006

May 21, 2006

Sunday, May 21, 2006

2:06 SUBWAY NYT Mag The Architect, His Client, Her Husband and a House Named Turbulence

8:34- 38 HOME OFFICE NYT Where Jane Goes Without Tarzan
10:06-8 Rage is Afoot in New York, Or Should Be
10:09-11 A Hit and Run Accident Kills Two Children in New Jersey
10:12-14 No Sign Yet of Hoffa’s BodyBut FBI Cites Credible Tip
10:19 Sentate Passes a Bill that Favors English
10:31 And if It’s a Boy, will it Be Lleh?
10:34 Colleges Chase as Cheats Shift to High Tech
10:38 WSJ A New Tax Trick for your IRA
10:42-3 Their Income Up, US Rich Yield A Tax Windfall
10:43 O, Give Me A Home Where Prairie Dogs Roam, in Boulder

May 20, 2006

Saturday, May 20, 2006

3:45-7 HOME OFFICE 4 emails
3:47 LIVING ROOM NYTBR What is the best work of American Ficiton of the last 25 years

8:45-47 N SUBWAY Bklyn Bound Never Mind the Clip-On Ties, Geek Squad Can Fix Your PC

May 19, 2006

Friday, May 19, 2006

2:21-4:57 HOME OFFICE NYT Mag What Will Happen to Books
4:57-9 Apple, a Success at Stores, Bets Big on Fifth Ave
5:01-04 CIA Choice Says He’s Independent of the Pentagon

7:55-6 SUBWAY 2nd Field Season Fails to Find the Ivoy Billed Woodpecker
7:56-8 Youth Who Killed at 12 Gets 30 Years for Violating Probation

May 18, 2006

Thursday, May 18, 2006

9:46-52 LIVING ROOM NYT Light as Air
10:13-15 NYT Mag The Great American Smoke Out
1:11-19 HOME OFFICE WSJ When is a Baby Too Fat

1:19-22 NYT The Fever for Exotic Stocks
1:27-31 “Does anyone have any experience with Lending Tree in nyc?”
1:31-2 Tolerance for a Racial Slur is a Test for Potential Jurors

2:37-9 Village Voice Books Matrix Reloaded The Totality for Kids
3-06 Art Leviatian Drawing Restraint 9

May 17, 2006

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

9:06 SUBWAY NYT Beyond I’m a Diabetic, Little Common Ground
9:06-7 Skiing Beyond Safety’s Edge Once Too Often
9:20-32 SUBWAY NY Mag The 9/11 Memorial Fiasco
10:20-42 SUBWAY NY Mag The 9/11 Memorial Fiasco

3:20-4 NY WATERWAY WSJ Historians and Fans are aracing to Catalog Homes Sold by Sears
3:25-9 How the Internet is affecting what—and how—we watch
3:37 Out the Window Are Linux operating systems as easy as promised? We test them out.
6:24 LIGHTRAIL WSJ Nasdaq Drops to a New Low for the Year
6:25-7 What if Housing Becomes a Tortoise
6:27-30 Triplet Towers
6:31-4 How Apples’s Store Strategy Beat the Odds
6:35 Teen Angst: How the New Tax Law Could Hurt Your College-Savings Plan
6:46 NY WATERWAY Research Shows Fighting the IRS is Often Worth It
6:47 Caring for Wood Floors

7:03-5 Hopes, Saved on a Laptop
7:34-7 Building a Brand with a Blog
7:47-9 Federer-Nadal is Sarting to Have that Frazier-Ali Ring

11:43-9 HOME OFFICE “avocado and bugs” “Hudson River Park”
12:01 A New Way to Keep Track of Talent
12:06-19 the office/

May 16, 2006

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

9:41-2 HOME OFFICE WSJ The Fastest Way to Get to the Airport: We Test the Latest Options
9:43-7 The Cycling Commute Gets Chic
9:48-54 Down the Yellow Brick Road of Overinterpretation
9:54-5 NYT Amazing Mysteries May 7-13
9:55-6 Intelligence Turf: A Guide
9:57-10:14 Langley, We Have a Problem
10:18-20 Russians Busy Making Shrouds, Are Asked to Make Babies
10:28-30 Will the Real Traitors Please Stand Up
10:32-3 NYT Mag Shelf Improvement Grocery Store generics that stand apart from famous brands—by design

12:14 WSJ In China, Maker of Plastic Christmas Trees Goes Hollywood
12:15-16 Working for a Boss Who Only Manages Up Can Be a Real Downer
12:18 Colleges Admit Few Students Off the Wait List
12:19-23 Care Varies Widely At Top Medical Centers
12:23-27 What’s In Store for Your Summer Vacation
12:28 Demand Slows for Mortgages
12:30 Will Melatonin Help you Sleep
12:25 County Kerry
12:35-40 NYT Authors Meet Fans Far From Bookstores, at Company Events
12:42-6 Inmate to be Freed as DNA Tests Upend Murder Confession
12:46-7 2nd Try was Bank Robber’s Undoing, Police Say
12:48-52 Deadline set for Wireless Internet in Parks
12:53 Bronx: Dead Man had Been Cleaning Fishing Tackle Committee Approves Shelter and Toilet Contract
12:54-9 After 20 Years of Delays, a River Park Takes Shape
1 Firefighters’ Lung Capacity Suffered after 9/11 Work
1:02-3 On the Runway : Spacewear Meant to Dazzle, Even in Zero Gravity
1:05 Link is Cited between Smell and Sexuality
1:13-16 On Some Flights, Millionaries Serve the Drinks
1:08-10 The Hot Potato of Business Etiquette
1:08 What not to Wear or Eat Overseas
1:50 This Monk is a Boldface Name
1:51 When a Good Ribeye is not a Bulleye

3:10-13 HOME OFFICE NYT Form Follows Function. Now Go Out and Cut the Grass

May 15, 2006

Monday, May 15, 2006

3:30-7 LIVNG ROOM NYT In Kentucky Hills, A Homeland Security Bonanza
3:37-45 Cheny Pushed US to Widen Eavesdropping
3:45-48 Avian Flu Wanes in Asian Nations it First Hit Hard

6:32-8 HOME OFFICE NYT Tracing Lung Ailments That Rose with 9/11 Dust
6:38-41 Bush to Unveil Plan to Tighten Border Controls
6:41 DNA Evidence in Duke Case Inconclusive
6:41-45 At Sentencing in ’82 Murder, Confrontation and Anguish
6:49-51 Critic of No Child Left Behind Was Disinvited From Meeting
6:54-5 Baby Badly Hurt by Shaking, Prosecutor Says
6:57-8 Legal Saga Ends for Man Who Hired Wife’s Killer
6:59 A Night Out with Max Minghella
7 Vows Renee Bailey and Leathem Mehaffey
7:07 Everybody into the Pool
7:15 Fossil Called Missing Link From Sea to Land Animals
7:16-18 An Ambitious Lexus Takes on the Europeans
7:20 Dude, Here’s My Book

8:01-2 4 Harlem Boys Will be Tried as Juveniles
8:04 Jazz Lover Fiddling with Bass Causes Bomb Scare on East Side
8:06 Warhols of Tomorrow are Dealer’s Quary Today
8:07 Teaching English, One Booklet at a Time
8:09 Gobbling Away Far From the Spotlinght
8:29 Software Out There: Programming A Revolution Piecemeal
8:48-50 In Case of Disaster, Have a Backup Plan for your Computer