Thursday, March 2, 2006
4:31 HOME OFFICE Your Porfolios “Speculate”
4:32 The “DRAM diversity refreshes”
4:33 NY Mag “Best Bets Epson Movie Mate DVD Projetor” “Preventing those Toe Chiller Moments” “A No Brainer Thermometer”
4:44 The Look Book “Kate Chapman Gallery Assistant”
4:45 “A Lamp for Every Room” Biagio Table Light” ”Fold Light”
4:46-7 Market Driven The Goods Essex Street Market DiPialo’s
4:49 Real Estate Out with the New, In with the Newer
4:49 Triple Assessment 120 Riverside Drive
5:21 NYTimes About New York Filling all the Pockets Except his Own
5:25-8 Public Library Buys a Trove of Burroughs Papers (organized by date, subject matter or whim)
5:30-4London Journal They Stole $92 Million, but What Can They have Done with It (game show/lottery)
5:36-7 Calm Suspect Shocks France in TV Talk about Killing
5:38 Cheaspeake Oystermen, in Decline, Place Hopes in an Asian Import
5:41 OmniVision’s Future Looking Cleaner The Motley Fool
7:24 DINING ROOM TABLE NY Times Richard Meier Condos Dressed Accordingly
7:25 From China to Chairs
7:38-40 When the TV Picture Runs to Trip Digits
7:40-1 From Blogger to Published Author, for $30 and Up
7:45-6 MacWorms Crash the OS X Party
7:46-51 Apple Laptop Has Looks and Brains
7:56-8:03 Stretched to Limit, Women Stall March to Work
8:18-24 Who Killed Student? 17 Hour Gap Holds Answer
8:24-6 US Is Reducing Safety Penalties for Mine Flaws
8:27 In Paris Splashes of Black
8:28-30 Booted Off an Island Called Manhattan
11:32-53 Kasia Houlihan “Roland Barthes’ Camera Lucida”
11:53-9 Summary: Camera Lucida
11:59-1:18 Roland Barthess Camera Lucida 25 pages