Friday, February 10, 2006

February 8, 2006

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

10:27-9 DINING ROOM TABLE “Moving Information. On Kenneth Goldsmith’s The Weather” Marjorie Perloff

10:30 LIVING ROOM COUCH NYORKER Nora Ephron ”Cookbooks and Me"

9:13-19PM SUBWAY NY Times “Some Democrats are Sensing Missed Opportunities”

5:28-39 Adorno Minima Moralia. Dedication Marcel Proust Memento

February 7, 2006

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

8:01-3AM PATH TRAIN NY Times “Figure in JT Leroy Case Says Partner is Culprit”
8:03: Books of the Times: “Sideswiped By Things Unexpected”

8:20-7 BUS 5 student imitations of Harryette Mullen

1:30-3 NJCU OFFICE 8 student papers, 5 emails;

9:45-53 BUS NY Times “Bush Budget Plan for $2.77 Trillion Stresses Security”
9:53-6 “French Face Transplant Patient Tells of Her Ordeal”
9:57: “A Killing Looms Large Over a Case of Assault”
9:57-9 “How to Feel Better if you Have a Cold: Get Paid for It”

10:40-45 Open Letter J Schechter on K. Goldsmith

February 6, 2006

Monday, February 6, 2006

8:30-2AM DINING ROOM TABLE NYTimes Mag “The Malcolm Gladwell Effect”
8:40-3 Malcom Gladwell Effect

9:50-9PM HOME OFFICE “pork roasts boneless soap trash bags brussel sprouts fingerling potatos kitchen trash bags 4 gallon”
9:59-10:02 “Thoratec headlines”

February 5, 2006

Sunday, February 5, 2006

1:32-2:04 SUBWAY NYTimes Mag “You Think I’m A Smart Ass” 5 pages
4:02-13 SUBWAY NY Times Mag “Looking for the Lie” 4 pages

10:43 HOME OFFICE 3 emails

February 4, 2006

Saturday, February 4, 2006

11:52-5pm HOME OFFICE Yahoo Finance; Thoratec
11:56-12:08 Halstead Propetry “Downtown”
12:09 NYT “Jack Frost Napping”
12:09-11 “Murder Trial Ends, but the Mystery Doesn’t”
12:12-17 “Pieces Editor Now Says he Was Fooled by Frey” (lies)
12:18-“Chinese Collectors Resist Buying Western Art”
12:20-21 Film Review “Mr Creepy Voice is Back, For the Cellphone Crowd”
12:23-28 “Good Luck with that Broken Ipod” (one yr or two max)
12:25- 31“New Printer Cartridge or a Refill? Either way, the Ink is getting Cheaper”
12:32 “Disappointing Earnings at Tech Firms Drags Shares Lower”
12:33-5 “Online Trail Can Lead to Court”
12:38:47 “The New Science of Lying” read 2 pages

1:32-4 World Happiness
1:36-54 “So What Do You Have to Do to find Happiness”

February 3, 2006

Friday, February 3, 2006

9:21 HOME OFFICE 3 emails
4:17-22 NY Times “ House Approves Budget Cutbacks of 39.5 million”
4:22-3 “Panel Rebuffed on Documents on US Spying”
4:23-5 “Budget Measures Increase College Loans and Rates”

5:14 Vynnycenko's Philosophy of Happiness Eugene Lashchyk on the web
5:16 “Happiness”
Positive effect study
Self-reported positive effect during the day by 909 employed women
Positive effect Hours/day Reporting
Intimate relations 5.10 .2 .11
Socializing 4.59 2.3 .65
Relaxing 4.42 2.2 .77
Pray/Worship/Meditate 4.35 .4 .23
Eating 4.34 2.2 .94
Exercising 4.31 .2 .16
Watching TV 4.19 2.2 .75
Shopping 3.95 .4 .30
Preparing food 3.93 1.1 .62
On the phone 3.92 2.5 .61
Napping 3.87 .9 .43
Taking care of my children 3.86 1.1 .36
Computer/Email/Internet 3.81 1.9 .47
Housework 3.73 1.1 .49
Working 3.62 6.9 1.00
Commuting 3.45 1.6 .87
Interaction partners
w/ friends 4.36 2.6 .65
w/ relatives 4.17 1 .38
w/ spouse/SO 4.11 2.7 .62
w/ children 4.04 2.3 .53
w/ clients/customers 3.79 4.5 .74
w/ co-workers 3.76 5.7 .93
w/ boss 3.52 2.4 .52
alone 3.41 3.4 .90
from A Survey Method for Characterizing Daily Life Experience:
The Day Reconstruction Method [1]

5:22 Journal of Happiness website
5:23-43 “So What do You Have to do to find Happiness” Times on
7:54-5 Review of Economics as an Evolutionary Science by D. Nettle in Human Nature Review

10:14 KITCHEN COUNTER Bookforum “Marx of Distinction: Verson’s Radical Thinkers”