Monday, May 15, 2006

May 14, 2006

Sunday, May 14, 2006

5:56-9 HOME OFFICE NYT Emperor May be Naked, but Artist is a Hit
6:00-5 In Sukoku 9, Little Numbers Create a Big Challenge
6:05-6 The Wndsurf’s Up On the Columbia River
6:10-13 Bush is Pressed by Lawmakers on Report of Phone Call Records Gathered by NSA
6:14 Wal Mart Eyes Organic Foods, and Brand Names Get in Line
6:21-3 An Agency’s Worst Nightmare: Ads Created by Users “User-Generated Content”
6:27-9 Google Shows New Services in Battle of Search Engines
6:30-4 Putting the Wire Back into Networking
6:37-8 Theft Delays Worldwide Cyclist after 44 Years and 355,000 Miles
6:39-43 Leaving the Wild, and Rather Liking the Change

7:56- 8:02 Higher Learning in France Clings to Its Old Ways
8:03-5 New Fears of Security Risks in Electronic Voting Systems
8:06-7 Priest Found Guilty of Nun’s 1980 Murder
8:07-13 Cannes Gold Tarnishes in US
8:14-21Go with My Blessing. And My Staff, while you’re at it.

10:18-19 WSJ Grandma the Packrat: New Approach Finds Pearls Amid Junk
10:18-19 The Biggest Fish on Wall Street? robably Not Who You Think
10:24-28 Hip to be Square: Why Young Buyers Covet Grandpa Cars
10:28-31 Degrees @
10:34 Teflon Coated Cookware Owners Fle Suit Over Potential Chemical Dangers
10:35 Laptops for Klutzes
10:45 Designing Children Little Man
10:45-6 Organic Wines Make a Natural Progression
10:49 NYTimes H&M Names Dutch Pair as Designer for a Season
10:54 Art in Review: Olafur Eliasson

May 13, 2006

Saturday, May 13, 2006

2:12-16 HOME OFFICE 4 emails

May 12, 2006

Friday, May 12, 2006

4:15-17 HOME OFFICE What’s in a Murdoch-Clinton Alliance? Something for Both Sides
4:18-21 Protestors Object to McCain as New School Commencement Speaker
4:21-4 A Man in a Fishbowl, Marinated in Unreality
4;24 A $10 Million Gift to Slan-Kettering
4:25-27 Police Focus on Driver of a Slain Developer
4:28 Warhol and Judd Soar at $143 Million Sale
4:29 When the Professor is a Tough Grader and Your Dad
4:32- 39Champion (Microsoft) and Challenger (Google) Grapple for Supremacy
4:39 Restaurants Popular Act, Now Solo, Sings Italian
4:40 When Portrait Was Memory: A Matter of Lives and Death

May 11, 2006

Thursday, May 11, 2006

1:40 LIVING ROOM A Mid-Century Knockoff from the Man who Designed the Original
1:41 Modular Kitchen Pieces with Custom Cousins—Henrybuilt 79 Grand Street
1:45-7 Belatedly, Stardom Finds a 20th Century Master
1:59-0 Killer Scattered Body Parts Through Bronx Neighborhood, Police Say
2:01-7 Tax Benefits to the Rich and Patient
2:08-10 Why the World Doesn’t Need Hi-Def DVD’s

2:45 HOME OFFICE Google
2:46-7 Google “ambient”
4:00 “what is buckeye mart? when did it start up and go out of business?”
From: drmark7@...
Date: Wed Apr 7, 2004 3:24 am
Subject: It was *40* Years Ago Today... drmark7
Send Email

This was recently in our local newspaper (The Lancaster Eagle-Gazzette)
"40 Years Ago" column:

March 13, 1964:

The Buckeye Mart discount department store, 121 N. Memorial Drive,
(Lancaster, Ohio) offered the album, "Beatle Mania" for 87 cents.
It had Beatles hits performed by The Liverpools.

[The site where Buckeye Mart once stood was later converted into
The Charlie Horse Palace Night Club and is now the Sheriff's Office (!)]


April 02, 1964:

Local Restaurants advertised their menu offerings and specials. B-W
Drive-In, 540 E. Main St, had "Spanish Hot Dogs" for 15 cents; Dairy
Queen, 1150 E. Main St., had hot fudge sundaes for 24 cents; West Side
Pizza Shop 323 Washington Ave., sold a large Pepperoni and mushroom pizza
for $1.75; Boyer's Restaurant, corner of Main and Cherry Streets, offered
chicken and noodles with four side dishes plus cake and coffee for $1 and
Burger Chef, 1105 E. Main St., was having the un-hamburger/
non-cola offering of a melted cheese and large orange drink for 35 cents.

[Dr. M sez: Dig those crazy prices. Dairy Queen is still in the same
Boyer's was where The Bike Shop is now. I ate there with my grandma and
grandpa when I was about 5. In 1977-78, this address was briefly
Tumbleweeds Records, one of the last mom and pop record stores in town,
where I bought many of my first rock albums. Buzzard's Nest- part of a
of record stores opened at Hocking Mall by K-Mart and put them out of
business. The Burger Chef location is now Vanity Cleaners.]

Those were the days my friends, we thought they'd never end,


Questions?/Comments? * This Has Been e-mail From:
"Dr. Mark" Hill * The Doctor Of Pop Culture /*/ drmark7@...

May 10, 2006

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

9:45-50 LIVING ROOM NYT 2 Years Later, Slayings in Iraq And Lost Cash are Mysteries
10:04-7 A Resurgence in the Borx is Finally Putting the Grand Back in the COuncourse
10:07-10 Rents to Rise at Least 3%, And Tenants Howl in Anger
10:10 But in London, The Foreigners are Us
10:12-14 Officers Posted at Train Tunnels are Now Riding Too
10:17 Brooklyn Man Confesses in Shooting that Killed Girl
10:21-5 A Portrait of the Party Girl as a Serious Young Artist
12:16-19 One Thing They Aren’t: Maternal
2:07 Poll Gives Bush Worst Marks Yet on Major Issues
2:08 Executives Take Company Planes As if Their Own

May 9, 2006

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

10:59-11 LIVING ROOM WSJ Making the Most of your 15 Minutes
11:01-2 End of the Package Deal
11:06-7 Revenge of the Large Cap Stocks11:10-16 To Reduce Errors Hispitals Prescribe Innovative Designs
12:35-6 HOME OFFICE Google Video Gumball 3000 – 2005 Porsche Carrera GT wheelspin part 1 17 sec -
12:36-12:50 Steven Colbert Roasts Bush
12:53 Pepsi Bavarians Take on Professionals
12:54-1:06 Bush Impersonation CSPAN
1:52-3 A Comedian’s Riff on Bush Prompts an E-Spat
1:53-4 Truthiness and Power (2 letters)
1:55 After Press Dinner, the Blogosphere is Alive with the Sound of Colbert Chatter

2:05-11 LIVING ROOM NYT Early Intensity Underlines Role of Races in Ohio
2:11-17 Exit of Spy Chief Viewed as Move to Revamp CIA
2:17-22 A Long Legacy of Frustration at CIA Helm
2:23-27 Rubbing Shoulders with Trouble, and Presidents
2:28-33 Kidnapped in Iraq: Victim’s Tale of Clockwork Death and Ransom
2:34-7 In a Dentist Shortage, British (Ouch) Do it Themselves
2:42-4 Mayor Chastises Foundation Over Memorial’s Costs
2:44-7 Trimming Down to a Less Costly Design at Ground Zero
3:03-6 A Gambler Sees Beyond the Jackpot
3:08-12 Recognize this Man? The Art Wrold Doesn’t
3:13-17 A Minor Delight for the Awfully Patient
3:17-27 Water, Water for a Week, Nor Anything to Eat
3:27 Gunmen in Passing Car Kills Livery Cab Passenger in East Harlem
3:27-30 Obituaries Burt Todd, 81, Entrepreneur Who Dreamed Big, is Dead
3:31-3 A Chill is in the Air For Sellers
3:45-7 Autopsy Ties Boy’s Death to Boot Camp
3:47 new Recipe for Gasoline Helped Drive Up the Price
4:07 Google video Dumbass on skateboard
4:08 dildo
4:09 webcam girls gone wild
4:12 he just cant resist her breasts

May 8, 2006

Monday, May 8, 2006

2:32-6 HOME OFFICE WSJ Females Don’t Always Go for Hottest Mate
2:50 NYT The Sick Seatmate: What’s Your Risk?
3:02-5 The Mystery of the Stock Price and the Strike Price
3:06 Mad About that Perfect Hat for the Summer
3:11 On The Menu, Rumors Greatly Exagerrated
3:12 Shedding the Fleece, Joining the Flock
3:13-14 Huggable, but Only for a While
3:15-16 Between Addiction and Abstinence
3:19-21 The Village Voice Film Repeat Performance Three Times
3:21-3 Love in Vein Clean
3:23-8 The End of Violence Lady Vengeance
3:29-30 Gypsy Amy Silliman
3:31 Michael Krebber
3:37-9 NYT Democrats Push for House in the Northeast
3:40-1 A Sergeant’s Death in Iraq Follows His Fiancee’s
3:44-8 Obituaries Louis Rukeyeser, Television Host, Dies at 73
4:05 NYTBR Treasure Hunt The Book of Lost Book
4:07 -12 A Reporter’s Reporter A Writer’s Life
4:15-19 Tales from the Crit: For Art Students, May is the Cruelest Month
4:20 1 email
4:24-7 Forests in SE Asia Fall to Prsperity’s Ax
4:29-32 Up to Her Eyes in Gore and Loving It
4:37-9 Next Step for Counterfeiters: Faking the Whole Company
8:33-34 NYT Mag Shelf Improvement
8:35-8 The Birth Month Soccer Anomaly
9:23-4 In Internet Age, Writers Face Frontier Justice